"New Lights, New Beginning"

"New Lights, New Beginning 0"
"New Lights, New Beginning 0"
"New Lights, New Beginning 1"
"New Lights, New Beginning 1"
"New Lights, New Beginning 2"
"New Lights, New Beginning 2"
"New Lights, New Beginning 3"
"New Lights, New Beginning 3"
"New Lights, New Beginning 4"
"New Lights, New Beginning 4"
"New Lights, New Beginning 5"
"New Lights, New Beginning 5"
"New Lights, New Beginning 6"
"New Lights, New Beginning 6"
"New Lights, New Beginning 7"
"New Lights, New Beginning 7"
"New Lights, New Beginning 8"
"New Lights, New Beginning 8"
"New Lights, New Beginning 9"
"New Lights, New Beginning 9"
"New Lights, New Beginning 10"
"New Lights, New Beginning 10"
"New Lights, New Beginning 11"
"New Lights, New Beginning 11"
"New Lights, New Beginning 12"
"New Lights, New Beginning 12"
"New Lights, New Beginning 13"
"New Lights, New Beginning 13"
"New Lights, New Beginning 14"
"New Lights, New Beginning 14"
"New Lights, New Beginning 15"
"New Lights, New Beginning 15"
"New Lights, New Beginning 16"
"New Lights, New Beginning 16"
"New Lights, New Beginning 17"
"New Lights, New Beginning 17"
"New Lights, New Beginning 18"
"New Lights, New Beginning 18"
"New Lights, New Beginning 19"
"New Lights, New Beginning 19"
"New Lights, New Beginning 20"
"New Lights, New Beginning 20"
"New Lights, New Beginning 21"
"New Lights, New Beginning 21"
"New Lights, New Beginning 22"
"New Lights, New Beginning 22"
"New Lights, New Beginning 23"
"New Lights, New Beginning 23"
"New Lights, New Beginning 24"
"New Lights, New Beginning 24"
"New Lights, New Beginning 25"
"New Lights, New Beginning 25"

Scratching on Plaster 46 x 82 cm

Lights and shadows or shadows and lights?

Genesis and death connected by a path. Apparently, when we are born, we come to light, but we are only matter, non-beings devoid of any real ontological foundation, shaped by pre-existing superstructures, which hide our real tendencies in the shadow. We are too busy being desirable and up to date with the trends that change merciless at a frantic pace. While we are eternally connected, we maintain illusory relations in non-places moulded in order to divert the human being away from its own real essence. Leave from the oblivion in order to escape the oblivion, taking away what is no longer needed, what thwarts the discovery of our course through the forest, what prevents our “I” from revealing himself.

NEW LIGHTS, NEW BEGINNING is slowing down, stopping, getting off this train that unrestrained races towards the void and remember that we are human, that we come from the nature, and we go towards the nature.

NEW LIGHTS, NEW BEGINNING is affording the luxury of stopping the time and investigate the inner part of one-self. A eudemonistic, impervious and uneven way in which we are the only protagonists of a personal pursuit of happiness, and which reveals the light starting from the roots. Reveal what overwhelms, starting from what is submerged, like a movie script written for the first half by Lars Von Trier and for the second half by Christopher Nolan.

NEW LIGHTS, NEW BEGINNING is Aletheia, in the Heideggerian sense of the word, NEW LIGHTS, NEW BEGINNING is Lichtung.

In this journey of revelation of the “I”, the light does not prevail over the shadow, but one is defined through the other, in a mutual symbiosis in which the former dictates the conditions of the existence of the latter and vice versa. As in a purifying path, every single furrow of light is removed with effort from the darkness in a sharp and permanent way. Furrows that can divide, furrows that can part, furrows that are temporarily painful: leave preconceptions, superstructures, rules in the shadow; leave artificial relationships, artificial people, artificial values in the shadow; leave everything that restrains the revelation of your route through the forest in the shadow. We could clearly comprehend the real meaning of our journey only putting our mind at a right distance between light and shadow; stopping from time to time in a glade in which the right light gives us a moment of ataraxia, enjoying our own conquers and observing the shadows as they were friends that let us tear the light from their hands so that our one-way path can go towards the discovery of the real essence. Relish the moments in which you pave these furrows in life, breathe the white, vivid light that originates from them, that clearly traces out and define the boundaries of your being. Follow the gleams of light that lead to the way beyond the hill towards new horizons of one-self.

NEW LIGHTS, NEW BEGINNING is rebirth, it is new awareness, it is the starting point for an evolution of the soul that comes from the darkness to let the light emerge.

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